Self-efficacy role in Academics 203: Correlation is the best

Self-efficacy role in Academics
Self-efficacy role in Academics

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The self-efficacy role in academics is the students’ personal belief in their ability to arrange and execute the amount of effort and performance to succeed in subjects. Self-efficacy is the trigger of life success. Is self-efficacy playing any role in students’ academic success? is the concern area of this study. The data were gathered from 488 learners of Government Higher Secondary Schools for Boys with the help of 19 items self-efficacy questionnaire. The data was analysed by product-moment correlation coefficient to know linear association between two variables. The research concluded that self-efficacy role in academics was not found. This may be due to non-awareness of students regarding self-efficacy role in academics and their lives. Recommendations were drawn to enhance self-efficacy role in academics for students’ motivation and success in their career.

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Teaching is the art of teacher’s creativity and skills to create an environment in the classroom in which learning and reception of instantaneous education goal is possible. By teaching; coherent, sequential and procedural steps are followed to accomplish set goals (Joshi, 2005).
Teaching is not only transference of information through any medium to the learners, but it is also based on planning, directing, supervising and controlling students’ learning with the objective to acquiring maximum learning experiences. A lot of teaching methods are available to achieve this objective but that teaching method is considered as most appropriate which inculcate thinking, understanding, comprehension and application. Responsibility of the teacher does not limit him to select suitable teaching method but also he is responsible to boast students’ beliefs about their capabilities, abilities and potentials (Khan, 2011)…………….

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Results and Discussion

Positive/negative, weak and non-significant correlation between scores of self-efficacy and scholastic performance was found. Self-efficacy is a relative term which individual takes according to his own understanding. It is a trigger of success, sometimes he knows the difficulty of task but unaware to execute the amount of effort to complete it. This research finding is aligning with the findings of Shahid, Jabeen, and Ansari (2016) who conducted a research on educational self-concept and educational achievement among under-graduate students. They found weak positive relationship between academic self-concept and scholastic performance. Self-efficacy role in academics is not deniable but educationists have to work on this. Gungor, (2020) and Yokoyama, (2019) found self-efficacy role in academics of students. He suggested that self-efficacy role in academic can be enhanced for overall development of the students.

Many research findings depict self-efficacy role in academics of students. A significant direct relation of the self-efficacy role in academics to master in academic matter was found (Herrera, Al-Lal and Mohamed, 2020; Addison, Wade, and Benjamin, 2018; Tiyuri et al., 2018; Liu and Lu, 2017; Broadbent, 2016; Ahuja, 2016; and Akram and Ghazanfar, 2014). They researched that self-efficacy role in academics is proved statistically.
The quality of education depicts from students’ performance in the classroom. Their scholastic performance shows that how much they are capable to lead a successful life. Some of the grade XI students show optimum achievement in final examination. This may be due to their mastery over subject matter which may be more enhanced by taking into account their concern about subjects. To boost their motivational level, there is a need to engage them in co-curricular activities e.g. arrange science competition, programming competition, educational visits, educational galas, book fairs and study tours in which they understand their potential to do something unique that ultimately affect their scholastic performance.

Self-efficacy role in academics is the individual belief about his own capabilities to organize and execute the level of effort and performance needed to excel in subjects. The individuals’ success is determent by different levels of self-efficacy. Low efficacious students may perform low scholastically and high efficacious students may perform better in their examination. This may be due to their non-awareness about their potentials. So, there is a need to address this area by giving proper awareness to them by inviting guest speakers from education department to deliver lectures on self-efficacy, its importance and relevancy to achieve determined life goals. Policy makers and curriculum developers may focus their attention to make students vigilant to take challenging problems for mastery, develop deeper interest in the activities and build a stronger sense of commitment to polish their abilities and strengths by embedding self-efficacy in curriculum.


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