Applicability of Teaching Aids

Applicability of Teaching Aids in extension education 105: A Challenge

Applicability of Teaching Aids
Applicability of Teaching Aids

Table of Contents


Teaching aids are applicable in extension education also. Transference of the bookish knowledge is not enough for effective teaching so teaching should be supplemented with new teaching models or new emerging technology. However, do the students give importance to teaching aids for better instruction and learning? is the concerned area. This question is answered in this study by identifying the importance of teaching aids from students’ perspectives.
Data were collected through the questionnaires from secondary school students (aged 14-15 years). Collected data were analysed by employing frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Findings indicated that teaching aids bring accuracy to get first-hand knowledge for obtaining the desirable objectives among students. Students’ learning becomes easy, quick and long-lasting as these aids leave a high level of impressions on students’ minds and behaviour eventually. Teaching aids help teach difficult and complex concepts. No one can deny the importance of teaching aids in students’ learning. This study urges more practice of technology aids in teaching and training process either being practiced formally or non-formally.

Read More: Applicability of Teaching Aids

Introduction of Teaching Aids

The goal of education is attained when teaching acts as an art and as a science. When the imaginative and artistic abilities of the teachers are shown for creating worthwhile situations in class, it acts as an art and when teachers use logical, mechanical and procedural steps to attain goals, teaching becomes science (Shashank, 2005). Just transferring information to students is not teaching. Teaching is a planned activity about how to teach and guide the students for maximum learning. It is a dynamic process in which all efforts are put to maximize learning experiences. It is a way to improve thinking, understanding and the learning process by utilizing several methods, techniques and instructional aides to improve the
quality of instruction (Khan, 2011)…..

Read Also: Instructional Technology: A Tool of Effective Learning

Basic Material

The curriculum is considered as basic material and adopted as a primary means to help students’
attainment of program outcomes. Subject-matter of the Textbook and the educational approach also need to be considered as the basic learning material for students’ proper learning. The construction of the content of instructional materials is an ongoing process. As the new technology is added, its contents will progress with the speed of its development…….

Non-basic Material

Specially designed materials according to the need of circumstances, resources for individualized learning,
library books, pamphlets etc. are non-basic material. These aids are used by the subject specialists, teachers and administrators. For the selection of non-basic material, it is required to select them based on
predetermined objectives and program outputs (nonbasic material, 2003)……

Materials and Methods

Sample: The respondents of the study were two hundred (200) students from five Government Secondary Schools. These Government Secondary Schools were randomly selected from District Rawalpindi. One section from the science and arts stream of the 9th and 10th class respectively was randomly selected. The age range of the students was 14-15 years. Ten students; five high achievers and five low achievers from each section were selected based on their previous results. These students belonged to different socio-economic statuses and have diverse abilities and intelligence. The students were asked to provide information about school, class, section, stream and age……

Results and Discussion

Effects of teaching aids were measured in terms of the impact of teaching aids on students’ learning, develop interest, get the first-hand experience, provide in-depth and variety of learning, effective learning, more clear concepts, learning become the most natural and consequently easiest, provide a concrete basis for the development of understanding and direct impact on what is taught in the classroom. The subject matter alone is not enough to cater to all the requirements of students’ learning so teaching should be supplemented with teaching aids. When teaching aids are used properly then the learning
process will be facilitated, learning will be secured and students will be encouraged to take part in the learning process (Nasab et al., 2015; Alshatri et al., 2019). Learning is inherent in the quality of instruction that may be ensured with the use of teaching aids. So, the use of teaching aids is indispensable (Lei and Zhao, 2007; Alkhresheh et al., 2020). Audio-visual skills are augmented by the appropriate use of teaching aids. Concrete things and actual demonstration of the concepts increase the first-hand experience (Ismail, 2011). A way forward for education success is the correct and proper use of teaching aids that can significantly enhance a student understanding of concepts. Abstract and difficult concepts transform into concrete ones (Isman et al., 2007) that retains in memory for a longer period……


In this research, it is discussed that how important the teaching aids are. Teaching aids are helpful for the
academic achievement of the students and they also increase the independent study of the students. The
teacher training improves the process by enabling the teacher to use the latest aids. These help the teacher in the planning of lessons, especially in lower classes. Investment in teaching aids will result in a rich teaching toolbox. Teaching aids have a positive effect on students’ behaviour as it produces and explores the ideas in detail and the students can learn more……


Based on the findings, the following recommendations are drawn:
• Information about sound philosophy, its importance and the working mechanism of teaching aids may be given in in-service training and especially in pre-service which may be proved as a good atmosphere to dig out the teachers’ problem about not to use these aids in the classroom.
• Proper training may be given to the teachers to use them accordingly and prepare them also if needed.
• The importance of instructional technology in instruction may be inculcated among teachers as some teachers think instructional technology is a hurdle to cover the syllabus and claim them a waste of time.
• Teaching may be supplemented with these useful aids to enhance students learning. Teaching aids may be best used if they cater critical thinking of students.
• A special place in the school may be allotted to keep expensive teaching aids safe. If such room is in schools, then proper caretaker will be recruited to issue and return these aids and proper stock register to be maintained for a record.
• Appreciation and support may be given by the school Principal to use these aids properly as students like those teachers who use them in classroom teaching for students’ concept clarification.
• Teaching aids may be selected very carefully according to the topic and mental level of students.
• Teaching aids may be used in such a way that they should give the real picture of the object used in
classroom teaching.
• Proper and adequate funds may be fixed to schools to purchase teaching aids.
• Teachers may use these aids to take formative and summative evaluations to check and enhance their


Abbas, N. 1998. A comparative study of the availability and utilization of physical/instructional facilities
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Abdullah, R. N., J. Abdul Muait and G. Ganefri. 2019. Students’ perception towards modern technology
as teaching Aids. Asian Journal of Assessment in Teaching and Learning, 9: 37-42.
Adebayo, O. O. and S. Q. Adigun. 2018. Impact Of Instructional Aids On Students’ Academic Performance In Physics In Secondary Schools In Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 14: 366.
Aggarwal, J. 1995. Essentials Of Educational Technology Teaching Learninig Invovations In Education.
Aggarwal, J. C. 2014. Essentials of Educational Teaching Learning Innovation in Education. New Delhi:
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Place Published.
Al-khresheh, M. H., A. Khaerurrozikin and A. H. Zaid. 2002. The Efficiency of Using Pictures in Teaching
Speaking Skills of Non-native Arabic Beginner Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8: 872-78.
Ali, I. 2002. Development model of using audio visual aids for literacy program Allama Iqbal Open
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For Knowledge Lovers

1A Pragmatic Study of Demand and Supply of Employability Skills among Engineer Scholars: Teachers Perspective
2Adoption and Popularity of Adult Education
3Applicability of teaching aids in extension education.
4Appraisal of Self-efficacy: Qualitative Data Analysis
5Availability of Career-related Practices in Pakistani Universities
6Classroom Arrangement through Computer: A New Approach
7Comparative Analysis of Self-efficacy and students Scholastic Performance across Streams
8Concept Formation Teaching Model: A Way to Learn
9Concept Formation Teaching Model: An Innovation in Teaching
10COVID-19 and Its Effect on Education System
11Direct Instruction: A Motivational Teaching Approach
12Philosophical Foundation of Education in Pakistan Context
13Role of Concept Formation Teaching Model on Conceptual Change
14Services for Students with Disabilities at Higher Education of Pakistan
15Self-efficacy: Practicability in Students’ Scholastic Performance
16Technology’s Role on Students Behavior
17Usability of Educational Technology: Global Perspective
18 Types of Education
Usability of Educational Technology

Usability of Educational Technology 101: 100% true

Usability of Educational Technology
Usability of Educational Technology

Table of Contents


No one can deny the importance of usability of educational technology globally. To enhance and improve process of education, the work is continuously in progress. Different researchers and educationist are busy to facilitate the learner as well as the teacher. Technology is also on the way of progress to make it user friendly. Despite of the use of technology in every field, the user faces problems while using and updating it. For its efficient use, some guidelines are always required by keeping in view the use and challenges of technology. The study was conducted in the form of documentary analysis that how new educational technology can be used for education purpose to help and improve the process of teaching and learning. The objective of the study was to investigate the usability of educational technology in the field of education. The results and discussion shows that with the use of this, the process of teaching and learning will be efficient and effective. Usability of educational technology is proved to be helpful for removing misconceptions and strengthening concepts.


2019 technology is not like branded gadgets but it will be more like to improve the infrastructure and use of resources, it will be more than the expected. Some experts say that the difference between the old and 2019 technology is the computerization. When making prediction not only about technology but even
about educational technology is a great room for the starting of science fiction. The engineers and the authors will use the work of writers and authors as a motivation for creation [2].

Read More: Usability of Educational Technology


A mix method approach was applied to analyze and interpret the results. Documentary analysis and two
algorithms from computer science were used to address the purpose of usability of educational technology..

Results and Discussion

1. Educational Technology Augmented Reality

In this field, the release of AR lasses were warmly welcomed in the market [4]. The students especially of medicine and manufacturing have focused to use like in surgery. Another example is that of limpid which can be used to visualize the data and workflow process [5]. Some of the experts take it as a next MOOC’s (Massive Open Online Course) [6].

2. Educational Technology 5G (5th Generation)

This is better if the Wi-Fi is able to run and connect hundreds of phones, laptops, tablets vending machine etc. [7]. This is 5G which will give a very high speed. It is possible to use home routers is a use of educational technology instead of Wi-Fi [8]. Some companies are trying to use 5G in a new way to
utilize teacher expertise and to facilitate the students with special needs [1].

3. Educational Technology Generation Zin Class

With high bandwidth, now the students’ wants to watch videos instead of reading text [9]. Students of generation Z think that they will use technology in positive way [10].

4. Educational Technology 2019 Inclusion

The educational institutions have to work to meet with the accessibility guidelines as some of the students complaint that they are unable to access the internet [11]. Just like students the teachers also some time feel difficulty to proper access to technology. Even the research indicates that students with disabilities have trouble to complete their studies [12]. The technology may help the students who have difficulty to attain physically because of having disabilities [13].

5. Educational Technology 2019 Security and Ransomware

It is another technology which will help to restore the data after loss by ransomware [14]. When you have loss access to your data as it hit the academics in 2016 [15]. After analysis and discussion it is observed that technology is a facility not the replacement of human being. Technology and educational technology is to be used for the acceleration of teaching learning process. Without educational technology, it is not possible to teach. keeping in mind that applying and adopting technologies in the field of education in the absence of proper training and arrangement will always lead to dissatisfaction of the teacher as well as the learners.

6. Experiments and Execution

After making discussion from theoretical side, now some data has been taken to perform the experiments. Two algorithms were used: one is our own develop SI (Salam, Irshad) algorithm and the
other one is a well-known Apriori algorithm. 50 record were loaded.

Read Also: Instructional Technology: A Tool of Effective Learning


Usability of educational technology is addressed by this article. Many people think that educational technology may utilize classroom time more as compared to only giving information, may be this is true but in real usability of educational technology in classroom enhance students learning and motivation. Although the term usability of educational technology is having many doubts in itself as which technology is most suitable according to the mental and physical age of students, which consumes more time, which is better than this etc. etc. Actually usability of educational technology in the classroom depends upon the training and willingness of teachers.


[1] https://tophatcom/blog/technology-in-education-2019/
[2] Maddox, T (2017, September 22) Tech leaders share how Star
Trek inspired them to pursue a career in technology Retrieved
from https://wwwtechrepubliccom/article/tech-leaders-sharehow-
[3] Asimov, I (2018, December 27) 35 years ago, Isaac Asimov
was asked by the Star to predict the world of 2019 Here is
what he wrote Retrieved from
[4] Robertson, A (2018, August 08) I tried Magic Leap and saw a
flawed glimpse of mixed reality’s amazing potential Retrieved
from https://wwwthevergecom/2018/8/8/17662040/magicleap-




Educational technology concerns with the systematic use of modern methods for teaching and learning. For the support of teaching-learning process, technology is an essential term, Although it is widely used in administration and management of education. The educational technology is concerned with process e.g. in delivering learning materials, facilitating communication and assessment and feedback.

Table of Contents


The objective of the study was to identify the problems in the use of educational
technology. A sample of two hundred students, twenty teachers and five heads of
Secondary Schools in Wah Cantonment area were selected. The instrument consisted of 30
items in each questionnaire; three questionnaires were statistical prepared by the researcher.
The data were analyzed by applying suitable statistical method. Major results of the study
indicated that there is a close relationship between educational technology and the training
of teachers to make teaching-learning process effective. It was observed that trained
teachers have ability to use educational technology as well as ability to prepare instructional
material for teaching. It was also felt that there were various problems in using educational
technology effectively. It was due to non-availability of sufficient funds and resources, lack
of teaching aids, improper and less use of available instructional materials and resources,
untrained and non-motivated teachers, non-appreciation attitude from heads etc. In order to
overcome the problems and the hurdles appearing in the use of educational technology, it
was recommended that sufficient funds may be provided for efficient use of technology,
and intensive training in educational technology may be arranged for the teachers.

Read More: Problem Education

Educational Technology

ALLAH has created man superior to all living and non-living things. Man is superior to
all things due to his wisdom and consciousness. Wisdom is the use of logical thinking to
solve the problems of life that can be acquired through observation, personal experiences
and education. Education is the right of every man and woman. ALLAH said in the Holy
Quran “education is compulsory for every man and woman”. Holy Prophet Muhammad
P.B.U.H said, get education from cradle to grave. No one can deny the importance of
education as it is the social function that serves the society in many ways. The quality of
instruction has been questioned from many decades. The quality of education is directly
related to the quality of instruction in the classroom at the grassroots level (Bibi, 2005).
For the support of teaching-learning process, technology is an essential term, although
it is widely used in administration and management of education. The educational
technology is also concerned with process e.g. in delivering learning materials,
facilitating communication and assessment and feedback.
Technology means systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge
to practical task. Therefore educational technology is based on theoretical knowledge
from different disciplines and experiential knowledge from educational practice.

Read More: Objectives of Teaching Methods

Principles in the use of Teaching Aids

Teaching aids prove effective only when they suit the teaching objectives and unique
characteristics of the special group of learners……….

Importance of Educational Technology

In addition vicarious experience can be gained from still pictures, films, filmstrips,
resource persons, simulations, mock-ups, television, and the like. The more concrete and
realistic the vicarious experience, the more nearly………………………….



The sample was consisting of five head masters and head mistress of Government
Secondary Schools having both arts and science stream in Wah Cantt….

Research Instrument

A questionnaire was used as a research instrument for the collection of data. Three
questionnaires were used; each questionnaire contained 30 multiple-choice items…………

Analysis of Data

Data was collected for study through questionnaire. The researcher herself was
prepared the questionnaire approved by the supervisor……………


The research was aimed at to identify the problems in the use of instructional material
for 10th class students of Wah Cantt Area studying in schools………………..


Keeping in the view the results of the study, the following recommendations are

  1. To meet the modern challenges, Principals of schools should motivate teachers to
    use audio-visual aids in the classroom teaching……………..

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