Capacity building is the way to build-up new capabilities. Generally capacity building is related to enhancement, improvement or strengthening of individuals or organizations’ capacity to attain their goals (Lusthaus et. al., 1999). It increases the abilities of individuals at community level and resources at organization level to manage change (Coutts et. al., 2005) according to the demand of change. Capacity building focuses on the increase of abilities of any enterprise i.e. individuals, groups or associations etc. to do core tasks, solve immediate problems and deal current and developmental needs without any bias (UNESCO, 2006).

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Education is the life process by the continuous development and reconstruction of experiences. It involves the capacity of all those abilities which will enable individuals to control environment, adjust him in that environment and fulfill his all responsibilities and possibilities. The purpose of education is to change the behavior of individuals and shape their personality in the desirable and acceptable manner. Education can spearhead the development of any country by building individuals’ capacity. Generally capacity is that ability of person or organizations that is necessary to carry out the tasks and responsibilities to achieve predetermined pre-selected goals. Capacity building concerns with any set of actions of individuals, societies, communities and organizations to improve their abilities to perform tasks effectively and successfully in selected area. Education plays a vital role in the development, improvement and strengthening their capacity to keep the nation on the track of prosperous life. No one can deny the importance of education in the development of country and this development is not possible until and unless individuals, societies and organizations build their capacities to pull off nation’s mission.

See More: Capacity Building in Education


History of capacity building starts from early 1960s to 1990s. In 1950-60s capacity building was concerned
with institutional building. In 1960-70s, focus was changed to development management. In 1970-80s,
more emphasis was on the development of private sector and in 1980-90s, it became entrenched within
development organizations (Wubneh, 2003). During 1960-70s teaching methodology was gradually changed from training to workshops, teaching to sharing experiences, instructing to facilitating (Adam, et al., 2007) and passive learning to active learning. According to Adam et. al., (2007), from 1980s to onwards, supporters changed their strategy and moved their attention from person to group and from groups to organizations. From 1990s the new idea of capacity building was emerged and accepted by organizations and now it takes the position of an approach to development. Now emphasis is on increase of knowledge, skills, abilities, capabilities and competencies of individuals at different level to be more
effective and efficient in their work. Now capacity building is considered as the compulsory part of
development of organizations to achieve sustainability (Sessions, 1993)……

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Generally capacity is the ability of countries to cope up with challenges by their manpower, resources,
actions and organizations. Hussein (2006) argued that capacity is the general ability of individuals,
communities or organizations to do their assigned responsibilities necessary to achieve predetermined

Capacity Building

The capacity concept is very broad and comprehensive that includes building and development of capacity (Hilderbrand, 2014) said that capacity is the way or mean to complete a task or achieve objectives effectively. According to Kuhl (2009), capacity building is the way to build-up new capabilities.
Generally capacity building is related to enhancement, improvement or strengthening of individuals or
organizations’ capacity to attain their goals (Lusthaus et. al., 1999)….

Levels of Capacity Building

Researches show that capacity building has three levels……..

Education Role in Capacity Building

Capacity building is the continuous process to improve individuals, organizations and institutions, not a one-time experience. Specifically it is an internal process which can be improved or accelerated by external assistance. The emphasized area of capacity building is to deal “what is or exists”, not ought to be. Its concerned areas are to utilize and strengthen existing capacities…….


Capacity is the ability or innate disposition of a person or entity to be self-sustained. Capacities are developed from inner due to external knowledge. Capacity works on three levels i.e. individual,
organizational/institutional and societal level….


Following are the recommendations for building the concepts…….

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