Educational technology concerns with the systematic use of modern methods for teaching and learning. For the support of teaching-learning process, technology is an essential term, Although it is widely used in administration and management of education. The educational technology is concerned with process e.g. in delivering learning materials, facilitating communication and assessment and feedback.

Table of Contents


The objective of the study was to identify the problems in the use of educational
technology. A sample of two hundred students, twenty teachers and five heads of
Secondary Schools in Wah Cantonment area were selected. The instrument consisted of 30
items in each questionnaire; three questionnaires were statistical prepared by the researcher.
The data were analyzed by applying suitable statistical method. Major results of the study
indicated that there is a close relationship between educational technology and the training
of teachers to make teaching-learning process effective. It was observed that trained
teachers have ability to use educational technology as well as ability to prepare instructional
material for teaching. It was also felt that there were various problems in using educational
technology effectively. It was due to non-availability of sufficient funds and resources, lack
of teaching aids, improper and less use of available instructional materials and resources,
untrained and non-motivated teachers, non-appreciation attitude from heads etc. In order to
overcome the problems and the hurdles appearing in the use of educational technology, it
was recommended that sufficient funds may be provided for efficient use of technology,
and intensive training in educational technology may be arranged for the teachers.

Read More: Problem Education

Educational Technology

ALLAH has created man superior to all living and non-living things. Man is superior to
all things due to his wisdom and consciousness. Wisdom is the use of logical thinking to
solve the problems of life that can be acquired through observation, personal experiences
and education. Education is the right of every man and woman. ALLAH said in the Holy
Quran “education is compulsory for every man and woman”. Holy Prophet Muhammad
P.B.U.H said, get education from cradle to grave. No one can deny the importance of
education as it is the social function that serves the society in many ways. The quality of
instruction has been questioned from many decades. The quality of education is directly
related to the quality of instruction in the classroom at the grassroots level (Bibi, 2005).
For the support of teaching-learning process, technology is an essential term, although
it is widely used in administration and management of education. The educational
technology is also concerned with process e.g. in delivering learning materials,
facilitating communication and assessment and feedback.
Technology means systematic application of scientific or other organized knowledge
to practical task. Therefore educational technology is based on theoretical knowledge
from different disciplines and experiential knowledge from educational practice.

Read More: Objectives of Teaching Methods

Principles in the use of Teaching Aids

Teaching aids prove effective only when they suit the teaching objectives and unique
characteristics of the special group of learners……….

Importance of Educational Technology

In addition vicarious experience can be gained from still pictures, films, filmstrips,
resource persons, simulations, mock-ups, television, and the like. The more concrete and
realistic the vicarious experience, the more nearly………………………….



The sample was consisting of five head masters and head mistress of Government
Secondary Schools having both arts and science stream in Wah Cantt….

Research Instrument

A questionnaire was used as a research instrument for the collection of data. Three
questionnaires were used; each questionnaire contained 30 multiple-choice items…………

Analysis of Data

Data was collected for study through questionnaire. The researcher herself was
prepared the questionnaire approved by the supervisor……………


The research was aimed at to identify the problems in the use of instructional material
for 10th class students of Wah Cantt Area studying in schools………………..


Keeping in the view the results of the study, the following recommendations are

  1. To meet the modern challenges, Principals of schools should motivate teachers to
    use audio-visual aids in the classroom teaching……………..

Read More: Education Problems

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