Why important to appraise Self efficacy 202: Qualitative Data Analysis

Self efficacy is the innate disposition.
Self efficacy is the innate disposition.

Self efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997).

Table of Contents


Self efficacy is the ability of someone to arrange and execute for the accomplishment of a task up to its maximum. Sometime one possess the capabilities to perform a task but due to the lack of confidence or any other reason they are unable to execute it. Objective of this research to arrange and analyse the available literature to find out and extract word clouds for sources of SE, SE theory and levels of SE. NVIVO 11 Plus was applied to generate the words cloud for exact match, specialized match and generalized match. Finally, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made. It was concluded that it can be improved and enhanced. Institution and community has to arrange different gathering for learners and people.

Read More: Appraisal of Self-efficacy

Self efficacy

The concept of SE is that if someone asks to contribute the education fund of a college but the condition is to swim 10 laps in a pool. The person will surely try to do it because the person thinks that he/she can do it but when someone asks to bring increase in the tuition rupees but now the condition is to swim with in English Channel. This time the person will think about the possibility as now the task is difficult as compare to the previous one. In this case the person will go for it if have a good or outstanding swimming ability but if the swimming ability of the person is average so it will not be easy to go for it. Its shows that it is the belief of someone for the successful execution or completion of a task. So it is a theory and also a construct for the social cognitive theory………

Self efficacy Theory

The theory of SE consisted of four factors: mastery experiences (past success or failure in a particular area), vicarious experiences (observing others who are like us in success or failure), verbal persuasion (encouragement from others) and somatic and emotional stage (sweaty palms or relaxed responses taken as signs of the ability to do the task) (Bandura, 1994)…………..

Read Also: Self-efficacy A Predictor of Success

Self efficacy Levels

There is evidence that high sense of SE supports motivation, even when the feeling of efficacy is unrealistically high. Children and adults who are optimistic about the future, believe that they can be effective and have high expectation or more mentally and physically healthy, less depressed and more motivated to achieve.

Factors affecting Self efficacy

It depends on students’ previous record; teachers’ message given to the students; and success and the failure of others effecting students’ SE…………..

Sources of Self efficacy

It plays a very vital role in achieving the goals in the life of individual. If someone want to increase the level of SE of a person there must be specific sources with the help of which it’s become possible to engage the learners for the purpose of improvement of it. This will not only help to know better about one’s SE but also to increase and properly arrange the SE. With the help of this it will be easy not only to guide the learner but even to nourish their abilities in term of SE. Family, peers and schools are the sources of SE………………..


To deal with the objective of the study i.e. to arrange and analyse the available literature to find out and extract word clouds for sources of self-efficacy, self-efficacy theory and levels of self-efficacy, NVivo 11 was applied for visualizing the data in the form of word cloud…………..


On the basis of visualization of data, a way forward was recommended.

  1. Different settings and gatherings can be arranged to improve self-efficacy. Parents for their children, teachers for their students and school leaders has to arrange in community and environment.
  2. Different challenging tasks and programs may be arranged to aware and improve the self-efficacy in the institution by the managers and their team.
  3. Research has to be conducted for the proper identification of the levels of self-efficacy.
  4. Future research can be conducted by selecting different techniques of Nvivo.
  5. Research can be replicated by other researchers by taking other distinct variables of self-efficacy.


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